Why Utilities Need Real-Time Utility Monitoring

Real-time utility monitoring empowers you to make data-driven energy management decisions, increasing your return on investment on equipment and lowering your overall energy expenses. It helps you to monitor and compare billing and energy usage information with diverse system variables, environmental aspects and peak demand events and provides actionable insights that can help you optimize your energy consumption and lower your costs.

Energy management is the most volatile of building operating expenses, and can be a tricky business to manage with inaccurate data. The typical energy manager relies on monthly meter readings, which are infrequent and don’t provide the details they need to understand their building’s energy consumption and why it spiked or decreased last month.

Using real-time data allows building engineers to more accurately identify the causes of energy consumption spikes, reduce base load, participate in demand response programs and evaluate the impact of implementing prescriptive measures. Real-time minute-by-minute monitoring also allows sophisticated energy users to verify their savings from their investments in metering and other prescriptive measures.

Utilities need real-time tracking to proactively address challenges that can arise from fluctuating oil prices, higher operating expenses and a growing number of cyber and physical security threats. This innovative technology has the potential to change the way utilities think about their operations and improve the reliability of the energy grid. real-time utility monitoring

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