Oat bread is a hearty, nutritious alternative to wheat-based breads. Gesunde Ernährung It is a great choice for breakfast, brunch or even as a snack. You can serve it with a variety of toppings or on its own with butter and honey.
The nutritional composition of oats is comparable to that of wheat with a high percentage of carbohydrates and low fat content (Head et al 2010). Oats are also rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and phytosterols as well as fatty acids especially unsaturated fatty acid, all of which contribute to the health benefits of oats.
Gluten is an alcohol soluble complex protein found in many grains and cereals including wheat, barley and rye. In individuals who are susceptible to celiac disease (celiac disease), ingestion of gluten causes an inappropriate immune response, resulting in villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia.
Typically, breads made with gluten are not suitable for those on the gluten free diet since they have a high gluten content. However, oats are naturally gluten free and can be used as a flour replacement in bread making.
When using oat flour, the process of making bread requires a different approach than with wheat. Oats are ground to a fine powder in a stone mill or a hammer mill to separate the oat bran from the oat flour and produce whole oat flour. The two products are then sifted through a gyrating sifter screen to separate the final flour product from the oat bran.
This process is known as “sifting through the oat groats” and is used in many countries to make bread. This method is a bit more time consuming than using a grinding unit to produce whole oat flour.
In addition to its nutrient content, oats have a unique texture that makes them ideal for bread making. Oat flour is much more stable than wheat flour, allowing it to be mixed and shaped into loaf dough. The result is a loaf that rises quickly and bakes evenly and consistently.
Oat flour can be made in several ways, with most common methods using a combination of a roller mill or a hammer mill to grind the oats and a sifter screen to separate the coarse oat bran from the final oat flour. The final oat flour is then mixed with water, salt and yeast to create a dough and allowed to rise.
The addition of gluten improves the texture of oat bread and reduces the gummy quality of many oat breads. Oat flakes can be easily added to the dough to increase oat content.
Commercial oat breads are often fortified with added gluten to compensate for the protein network of oats that does not form a similar structure to that of wheat (Gan et al 1989, 1992; Salmenkallio-Marttila et al 2004b). Oat flour can be substituted for up to 10% of the total flour in a wheat flour bread recipe. This results in a more chewy, moist bread that retains its volume better than most oat breads.