Essential Home Workout Supplies

A good home workout needs the right equipment. Whether you have a full garage or basement to deck out or just the corner of a room, this section has everything you need to build muscle and do aerobic exercises at home. Choose from a wide selection of dumbbells, barbells and other weights ranging in size from light to heavy. There are also sleek ankle weights that double as wrist weights to amp up your strength training workouts. A versatile medicine ball can help with balance and strengthening exercises, too. Get a set of these durable balls that are rated at 4 to 12 lb each or store them in a medicine ball tree rack.

Bench presses, squat benches and pull-up bars can all be used for chest, back and shoulder exercises in your home gym. If you want to add a little variety to your upper-body workouts, consider getting a wall-mounted pull-up bar that can be used for other moves like triceps dips and dumbbell rows. This basic bar has a great price-to-quality ratio, plus it can be easily removed from the wall when not in use to save space.

For lower-body and ab exercises, a workout bench that adjusts from flat to incline is a great option. This adjustable one from Stamina is a top-rated choice with features that make it easy to change positions, including an incline lever that goes from 0 to 30 degrees. You can even perform situps and crunches on this bench with a weight-in-motion feature that makes it easier to do these exercises without bending over or straining your back.

Resistance bands and tubing are another essential piece of equipment for a full-body strength training workout at home. These look like thick rubber bands and come in a variety of colors and levels of resistance, from very light to very heavy. You can adjust the level of resistance by positioning your hands or feet closer together or farther apart on the band before starting your exercise.

Yoga and Pilates are increasingly popular ways to build flexibility, core muscles and stamina at home. This section has all the mats and other supplies you need to practice these low-impact exercises. You can find simple mats that are designed for yoga and Pilates, or more advanced kits with straps and blocks. Foam rollers are also a must-have for stretching before or after your workouts, as they can loosen tight muscles and reduce soreness.

Gifting fitness gear to a loved one is a great way to encourage their health and wellness goals. Besides this equipment, you can also get them healthy snack and drink subscriptions, deodorant to keep their sweat smell fresh and app subscriptions for workout programs and meal planning. These are all practical gifts that can help them reach their wellness goals well into the new year. They are sure to appreciate them! workout supplies

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